Oprah Winfrey's statement about how the Miss Universe 2011 winner was selected and favoring instead Miss Philippines Shamcey Supsup to be the most deserving candidate for the title, is not true according to a statement released by Oprah.com website moderator.
The said Oprah Winfrey statement, which started to make rounds on different social networking sites and several blogs right after Miss Angola Leila Lopes crowned as Miss Universe 2011, reads:
I have reservations with the results. If the only basis is the Q and A portion, after having been trimmed down to 5, Ms. Philippines deserved to win. What made her different from the rest is that she had no seconds to rethink of her answer as she had no interpreter to break the ice. The rest had their interpreters and having breaks on seconds to think about their answers. Hands down, Ms. Philippines answered straight to the point."
The clarification was made in response to inquiry made by Oprah's fan josephteodoro on the said website. The press release states:
There is no truth to the statement. Ms. Winfrey has not made any comments of this nature. Thank you for asking.
Please note that there are many rumors circulating on the internet. For this reason we encourage our members to visit the Press Room on Oprah.com to get the latest updates and news:
OWNModerator, Oprah.com"
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